International Trainee Programs

  1. Postgraduate Trainees in Adult Infectious Diseases

Availability of positions for Postgraduate Trainees is limited. There may be 1 position available, to start in July 2026. Applications for this position are due to UBC August 19, 2025.

The UBC Division of Infectious Diseases ONLY accepts applications from individuals who meet all 6 of these criteria:

  1. visa sponsored
  2. from Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE and specific institutions listed here: 
  3. currently enrolled in a Canadian Internal Medicine program
  4. submitting proof that they meet the UBC English Language Proficiency Requirements
  5. submitting a letter from their sponsor stating a commitment to fully fund the residency training
  6. submitting a personal letter of interest, a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 letters of reference, and a CV submitting their application to UBC via their sponsoring agency.

Preference is given to applicants who are currently enrolled in a Canadian Internal Medicine Program

For further information on the university’s admission and application requirements, please read the details on this web page:

  1. Clinical Fellowships in Transplant Infectious Diseases

We offer a 1-year training program in Transplant Infectious Diseases to individuals who have completed both Internal Medicine and general Infectious Diseases training in Canada or abroad.

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7
Tx ID Consults Virology, Mycology Tx ID Consults Research Tx ID Consults Research Tx ID Consults
Longitudinal Half Day Tx ID Clinic
Block 8 Block 9 Block 10 Block 11 Block 12 Block 13
Tx Medicine Tx ID Consults Research Tx ID Consults Elective Tx ID Consults

Longitudinal Half Day Tx ID Clinic

UBC Transplant Infectious Diseases ONLY accepts applications from individuals who meet all 6 of these criteria: 
  1. Visa-sponsored
  2. from Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE and specific institutions listed here: 
  3. submitting proof that they meet the UBC English Language Proficiency Requirements
  4. submitting a letter from their sponsor stating a commitment to fully fund the residency training program
  5. submitting a personal letter of interest, a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 letters of reference and a CV
  6. submitting their application to UBC via their sponsoring agency.

English proof must be submitted by the deadline, or the application will not be considered.

For further information on the university’s admission and application requirements, please read the details on this web page:

 Availability of positions for Clinical Fellows is limited. There may be 1 position available to start in July 2026. Applications for this position are due to UBC August 15, 2025

Contact Person:  Kirstie Lang –