Welcome from the Program Director
Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in infectious diseases medical education at the University of British Columbia! At UBC we are lucky to have fantastic infectious diseases clinicians, educators and researchers spread across the province for our trainees to learn from and with. The goal of our training program is to provide all of our learners, from medical students, pharmacy residents, and internal medicine residents, to subspecialty ID and medical microbiology residents, with foundational knowledge in infectious diseases and to support every individuals’ career path. We look forward to having you join our team whether it is for a day of shadowing, a one month rotation or a two year fellowship!
Infectious Disease rotations have become increasingly in demand for trainees from the UBC Faculty of Medicine as well as from other Canadian medical schools.
Medical students and residents in our program receive hands-on training in adult infectious disease diagnosis and management. Training coincides with the clinical role of the Infectious Diseases Faculty in the patient care units and in the ER at Vancouver’s major teaching hospitals – Vancouver General, BC Children’s & Women’s and St. Paul’s Hospitals.
Training opportunities include: